

Seven And An Eighth tells a story of the Pleiades Sisters that is personal, full of heart, and looks at patterns of energy created by their work throughout world history. We see their work upon this planet through their relationships as sisters, mothers, and lovers. Our vision of the spiritual master needs to leave the top of the mountain and be claimed as an integral part of our identity as human beings. Embedded in their story are practical spiritual tools and lessons for us all.

 “My first experience with the seven sisters was during a full moon ritual when their energies came and danced around the circle. With my interest piqued, I started researching their story and realized that a version of the Pleiades Sisters was embedded in all the ancient cultures. They were not just a side story of Greek mythology, but female avatars whose work with humanity still impacts us today.”   Retta Flagg


Retta Flagg
Retta Flagg

Retta Flagg lives in Virginia Beach with her partner, Crystal Doll and a reincarnating plant, which we think is a Dieffenbachia. Her spiritual adventures started early in life growing up in Maine where she enjoyed talking to trees and lakes.

She discovered existentialism in college and after surviving her first existential crisis, she converted to goddess worship. She led an ongoing full moon circle for over ten years. The Seth books were the first time she read a world view that explained the nature of reality in a way that made sense to her. Having read several books by a trance channeler, she jumped at the opportunity to see one live and in person when Lea Schultz came to Pittsburgh and channeled a being named Samuel in 1986. 

 Samuel  teaches spiritual principles and practices based on the Atlantean and Celtic mystical system. These principles are simple, practical and life changing when put to use.  Samuel holds the higher perspective of what it means to be spirit in human form while teaching the power of love in this world. 

She has traveled the world with the Samuel group doing high ritual and meditation at sacred places such as Uluru in Australia, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, temples in Egypt, and the Yangtze River in China. The spiritual teachings and practices in this book come primarily from her studies with Samuel.

One of my primary reasons for writing Seven And An Eighth was to reach those people who are having deep mystical and spiritual experiences with little or no validation of their experience. You came into a world not quite ready for who you are and I know that your heart has been broken time and again. You are not alone. My advice to you remains consistent as it is throughout my book. Choose love.
